The following clip is an excerpt from upcoming documentary,Take Back Your Power– a critical investigation of the Smart Metering phenomenon and Smart Grid. It shows observable effects of the RF/MW radiation from a Smart Meter on human blood cells using dark-field microscopy.
Please watch and and take action to share this information as widely as possible.
More than 5,000 studies now show RF/MW radiation to be harmful to human biology, animals and plants.
Acute and chronic exposure to RF (radio-frequency) and MW (microwave) radiation can, even at very low power-densities, lead to not only the negative health effects shown in this video, but calcium ion damage in cells, endothelial cell dysfunction, nitric oxide depletion, oxidative stress, melatonin disruption, blood-brain-barrier leakage, DNA damage, sperm damage and more.
Glucose metabolism changes within the brain are observable after just minutes of cell phone use. The mechanisms for damage from non-thermal, non-ionising radiation exposure are now becoming clear.
Unfortunately, so-called “safety†thresholds maintained in the UK are woefully out of date and obsolete, permitting a deluge of highly-profitable, RF-emitting technologies to be introduced into our lives. Whilst attempts by campaigners in every country are being made to stem and reverse the tide of these environmental toxins, you can take positive action to protect yourself and your family by limiting your own exposure to RF and MW-emitting devices, such as Smart Meters, cell phones, WiFi routers and devices, wireless baby monitors, wireless alarm systems, wireless games consoles, etc.
For more information on Smart Meters, To watch theTake Back Your Powerdocumentary, from 5 September 2013,
You have the lawful right to refuse a Smart Meter.www.DontSmartMeter.mePlease alert your neighbours, friends and families to this important information.
This first appeared atStop Smart Meters!
'Live Blood Analysis – Observable Effects of RF/MW Radiation from ‘Smart’ Meters' has 1 comment
August 26, 2013 @ 6:05 pm Chris Turner, Esq.
Santa Cruz County, CA Board of Supervisors directed its public health officer to prepare an analysis of the research on the health effects of Smart Meters in December 2011. Poki Stewart Namkung, M.D. M.P.H., prepared this report: Health Risks Associated With SmartMeters which recognizes:
Smart Meters transmit pulsed radiation (RF) 24/7
There are evidence-based health risks of RF
RF exposure can be cumulative and additive
The massive increase in RF public exposures since the mid-1990′s
The controversy between independent and industry science, including lack of funding for independent research
Evidence to support an Electrical Sensitivity (EHS) diagnosis
The public health issue is that Smart Meters are involuntary RF exposures
FCC thermal guidelines are irrelevant for non-thermal public exposures.
The lack of relevant safety standards for chronic pulsed RF