Leah Guy

Modern Sage

Leah Guy is a down-to-earth health educator, author and intuitive transpersonal healer. An inspirational speaker, yogi and media personality, she folds in 20-plus years of energy healing, bodywork and nutritional studies alongside an intuitive approach to wellness that creates a perspective and healing that is unique and transformative.Overcoming anxiety, sexual abuse, eating disorders, and addiction using the principles in her new book, Leah has spent her life helping others find relief and freedom from personal afflictions.

Leah has produced and hosted wellness programs, celebrity talk shows, commercials and on-camera spokesperson for over 15 years. She is also a musician, artist and dog lover. Leah also owns a lifestyle media company,A Girl Named Guy Productions.

Show Highlights:

-PTSD vs. PTED, which are post traumatic emotional disorders. Low grade emotional issues.

-We feel an emotion such as shame or anxiety. It’s always there, like a barking dog. We need to accept the emotion for what it is. Giving it acceptance and attention makes it flow and transform and become something else.

-Locate where it is, what is it, because stopping emotions is shoving them into a back corner and causes issues.

-To transform, we need to acknowledge and own what is happening in us right now and process it.

-Don’t fixate on the other person. Do our own work. Think about how much energy is sent out on another person and collect it back.

-Instead of blaming, ask what do I need to work on? How can I strengthen myself and heal right now?

-Dealing with today’s fear promotion. Can live in consciousness of fear or find another consciousness.

-Letting go is the worst advice for healing trauma. It doesn’t cure the emotional stuff. We are all connected with a divine order to all things, and we can’t just chop off what we don’t like. Trying to let go is giving more control to what we’re trying to get rid of.

-Leah had issues and realized she needed help. Had a calling for her own healing and a calling to help others. Immersed herself in energy work and meditation and allowed people to touch and guide her.

-Emotional and spiritual work starts in the body. Pay attention to the physical first.

-Paul asks if we just don’t think about or remember bad things from the past, is that good enough, or do we need to do something to release them?

-Allowing thoughts to come up strengthens us. Accepting and carrying moves us forward. We are soul. Don’t judge and deny experiences, and ignore the pain, but build on the hurt instead of cowering.

-Recognize and accept sadness about someone, but also recognize the love. Move into compassion and agape love.

-Jules asks about forgiveness after her father verbally abused her.

-Nancy asks what one can do about low self-esteem and jealousy of others?

-Taking care of the body so one can feel good. Small actions cumulatively shift our energy.

-Leah’s daily practice of gratitude – “thank you for this day”. Baseline practices of walking or yoga 10 minutes a day, diet and supplements, good sleep, staying away from sugar and alcohol.

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Leah Guy and great insights and information into healing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body, April 4, 2017

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