Leslie Gilbert

Author of You Are The Expert: A transformational guide to trusting yourself, building confidence, and creating your most fulfilling life

When yoga teacher and wellness coach Leslie Gilbert faced a surprising series of medical diagnoses, she suddenly found herself thrust into a world of expert opinions and depersonalized treatment plans that left her feeling out of control of her health and destiny.

In setting out on a journey to heal herself—mind, body, and spirit—she quickly realized that she needed to take control and become the expert of her life. From learning to listen to her intuition to adopting regular movement and meditation practices, Leslie discovered that she, and all of us, have the power to heal ourselves of most of our physical and spiritual ailments and create a more rewarding life–from the inside out. This powerful, simple guide shares Leslie’s journey and what she learned along the way. You Are the Expert will help you:

  • Build the confidence to question ourselves and others
  • Challenge our long-held beliefs and thought patterns to gain new perspectives
  • Develop clarity and understanding around our core values
  • Determine the roots of our fears to conquer them
  • Match your beliefs with your experiences to live with authenticity

With accessible language, engaging exercises, and a robust resource guide, You Are the Expert will help you begin a journey toward wellness and become the expert of your life.

Leslie tells her story of being diagnosed with “Cancer” and from day one began questioning the recommended chemo and surgery and is perfect today without doing anything they said to do.

The medical establishment keeps coming up with new “things’ you can “get.”

The more test one takes the more things wrong they find and want to “fix.”

Each thought we entertain and accept as real, is real for us.

Our issues are in our tissues and why stretching ongoing is helpful

How to change the past.

Don’t go around uncomfortable thoughts and ideas. Be responsible for what we’ve created.

'Leslie Gilbert | The Only Expert Who Knows What’s Best for You Is You | January 17, 2023' has no comments

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