Loren Lockman

Holistic Wellness


The founder and director of the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica, Loren began studying the relationship between nutrition & health in 1977. Since 1997, Loren has led more than 2000 people through water fasts of 1 to 9 weeks, & has coached more than 2000 others to better health.

In 1984, Loren contracted chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, candidiasis, sinusitis, & 57 allergies. After a 3 year struggle with medicine, Loren got himself well within 6 months. He’s been a raw vegan since 1991.

Now 58, Loren hasn’t been sick a day in 31 years, & can show you how you can eliminate tiredness, lack of mental clarity, poor energy, as well as almost any health challenge.

Loren has been a regular columnist for two magazines and has published articles in dozens of others including Get Fresh, Washington Woman, Birth and Beyond, Just Eat an Apple, and Natural Awakenings. He is a frequent guest on radio shows, & has given lectures and seminars in more than a dozen countries and all across the US, including keynote addresses for EarthSave International twice, Friends of Animals, various appearances at the North American Vegetarian Society’s annual conference at the University of Pittsburgh, featured lectures at the International Living Food Festivals, the Living Now Festivals, the Best of Raw 2013, and a sponsored two-week lecture tour of all the campuses of the Naturopathic College of London throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland. He’s an engaging, entertaining and knowledgeable speaker with a passion for helping people maximize their health, vitality, & overall level of functioning.

Loren is a nature enthusiast, a Reiki master, a certified permaculture instructor, a poet, the author of a children’s book, a body surfer and beginner board surfer, an animal lover, a motorcycle enthusiast, and the author of the unconditionally-guaranteed Creating Perfect Health System.

Show highlights:

Eating a raw vegan diet
Water fasting
For the first time fasting, how long should people fast for?
When we get sick, our bodies distinctively know to stop eating so we can heal
Pharmaceutical drugs only suppress symptoms instead of heal them
The mind blowing affects of fasting
When we fast, the body becomes cleaner and more efficient
Are fruit seeds toxic?
Spending 3-4 weeks eating as optimal as possible before a fast
Proof that waste stays in the small intestine instead of the colon
How our bodies can become more efficient through diet, cleansing, fasting, etc.
The issue with colon hydro-therapy
If we fast properly, our body is able to hydrate and break down the waste in our body and eventually move it out
The idea of dry fasting
Dry fasting: not eating or drinking anything
Most people need to drink 4 liters of water per day
Bowel movements are about 70% water

Loren Lockman on raw food and water fasting in Costa Rica, July 14, 2020

'Loren Lockman – Holistic Wellness, Water Fasting, Raw Food Vegan Diet, Permaculture, & More – July 14, 2020' has no comments

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