Patrick Timpone


Lyn-Genet Recitas

Author ofTHE METABOLISM PLAN: Discover the Foods and Exercises that Work for Your Body to Reduce Inflammation and Drop Pounds Fast

In her much anticipated follow-up, Lyn-Genet presents a groundbreaking 30-day program that will help readers jump start their metabolism to lose weight and boost energy. Various testimonials are available.

THE METABOLISM PLAN will help readers lose even more weight with a revolutionary diet and exercise program that boosts their metabolism to burn fat and improve energy. THE METABOLISM PLAN takes The Plan to a new level with a program that’s customized to target the metabolism, new recipes, and an exciting new exercise plan that teaches readers why it’s best to workout smarter, not harder. In fact, readers can get in optimal shape in as little as 12 minutes, 3 times a week! THE METABOLISM PLAN will address many hidden issues that can sabotage one’s metabolism and inhibit weight loss, including:
– Thyroid dysfunction: Recitas has found that nearly 85% of her female clients and 20% of her male clients have some sort of thyroid dysfunction. This book addresses issues that can cause thyroid dysfunction and helps readers treat the condition to lose weight and feel better.

Show Highlights:

-Everyone has the potential to have a fast metabolism. Depends on stress and the thyroid.

-Need a bio-individual diet that works for your body.

-Exercising too intensely for your body raises cortisol, which impacts thyroid.

-Exercise enough to raise serotonin, but not enough to increase stress.

-Exercising at the end of the day is the worse thing you can do for yourself. Cortisol is the lowest then and exercise will cause an artificial spike in cortisol.

-Overexercise increases oxidative stress, which leads to disease.

-It’s chemistry not calories that gets you your dream body.

-Histamine response to food causes inflammation, skews hormones, and increases yeast, which affects thyroid.

-Salmon, oatmeal, strawberries, asparagus, turkey, and kiwi are highly inflammatory foods.

-28 day protocol to test the foods that work for your chemistry.

-Taking MSM or sulfur for 6 weeks heals leaky gut. Reduces allergies to foods.

-There’s no such thing as a healthy food. It’s what is healthy for you.

-Need to rotate foods so compounds don’t build up in the body. Rotate or react.

-Use Broda Barnes basal body temperature method to test body’s reaction to food and exercise.



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lyn genet recitas, the metabolism plan, january 19, 2017

'Lyn-Genet Recitas – It’s Chemistry, Not Calories That Will Get You Your Dream Body – January 19, 2017' has no comments

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