Mary Swander

The Maverick M.D. – Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, and His Fight for a New Cancer Treatment 

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died unexpectedly on July 21, 2015. If he were alive today…

We believe he would be smiling from ear to ear. We believe he would be thrilled that so many people like yourself are interested in learning about The Gonzalez Protocol®. We believe he would be pleased at the progress our small, non-profit foundation has made to secure his legacy and the future availability of his nutritional protocol.

We know that without Dr. Gonzalez himself here to drive this work forward, his groundbreaking protocols are in danger of fading into oblivion like the brilliant work of his mentors Dr. William Donald Kelley and Dr. John Beard.

Prior to his passing, Dr. Gonzalez meticulously documented the scientific theory of his work and proved its effectiveness. He believed that Nature is a Friend and not the Enemy. He published several books and recorded hundreds of hours of interviews and lectures. He wrote more than 120 in-depth patient cancer case studies â€” the result of a lifetime of research and groundbreaking patient care — case studies that would publicly legitimize a whole new approach to nothing less than curing cancer. All kinds of cancer.

About Mary Swander:

Mary Swander is the Artistic Director of Swander Woman Productions, a theatre troupe that performs dramas about food, farming, and the wider rural environment. She is also the Executive Director of AgArts, a nonprofit designed to imagine and promote healthy food systems through the arts. Her latest book is a collection of essays on her interactions with her Amish neighbors, called Adeste Fideles in Chinese, from Route 3 Press. 

The former Poet Laureate of Iowa, Swander is an award-winning author who has been given grants from the National Endowment for the Arts to the Whiting Foundation. She has published scores of books of poetry and nonfiction as well as essays, magazine articles, individual poems and radio commentaries in such places as National Public Radio, The Nation, The New York Times Magazine, and Poetry Magazine. She is best known for her poetry book Driving the Body Back and for her memoirs Out of this World and The Desert Pilgrim.

Show highlights:

Mary starts the show talking about some problems in farming

Mary was a patient of Dr. Gonzalez for 20 years; He completely got rid of her fibroid uterine tumors

The biggest lifestyle change he recommended; vegetarian diets don’t work for all patients

Mary Swander was so curious to understand how an Ivy League trained doctor found the more alternative path

Mary explains Dr. Gonzalez’ basic program

The patients with the most success followed the program in detail

Why coffee enemas are so important in the program

and so much more!!

Mary Swander on her long experiences and the the life work of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., August 14, 2020

'Mary Swander – The Maverick M.D. – Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, and His Fight for a New Cancer Treatment – August 24, 2020' has no comments

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