Mary Tocco

The Explosion of Childhood Illness


Mary Tocco is the mother of 5 grown children and 8 un-vaccinated grandchildren and has been in the natural healing field for 40+ years

Mary Tocco is the mother of 5 grown children and 8 un-vaccinated grandchildren and has been in the natural healing field for 40+ years.
She began researching vaccines in 1979. She was married to a chiropractor, Sam Tocco for 24 years and they raised their children “outside the medical model”. She is an international conference speaker on the topic of vaccines and natural healthcare. Mary refers to this vaccine movement as the “VACCINE EDUCATION REVOLUTION”
Mary recently released a 6-part DVD library series called, VACCINE RISKS, RESPONSIBILITY
AND RIGHTS which is available both as a download or as DVD from her website, . Mary Tocco currently works at Real Health Clinic in Goose Creek as the patient care coordinator with
her daughter, Dr. Renee Tocco Hunter. Real Health is an integrative wellness center utilizing chiropractic, holistic functional medicine and much more. They offer cutting-edge therapies and treatments designed
to resolve health issues.
Chiropractic/massage/therapies – focus on spinal changes to enhance biomechanics and
reduce spinal stress
Specialized lab testing
PRP injections for joint care
Stem cells
Environmental testing for allergies: Homeopathic treatment designed to calm down the
immune response.
IV nutrition: Immunotherapy, vitamin deficiencies, Glutathione treatments etc.

Visit Website

Lots of insights on vaccines, the innate immune system and shedding.

Mary talks about the wonderful results they get with newborns getting simple, gentle chiropractic adjustment to open the pathway of the upper cervical that is often impaired with everyday hospital vaginal birthing procedures.

She’s seen ear infections, stomach issues and the like disappear with a simple upper cervical clearing of new born babies

She talks about all the options now available for birthing that mostly eliminate trauma to the spine in modern birthing  practices

Measles and Mumps are natural rite of passage detoxification events in the life of children, which is why vaccinating for same is not the best choice in Ms. Tocco’s experience

Lots of information, research, studies

and more on vaccines here


Mary Tocco, life long researcher and educator on vaccines and natural childhood healing

'Mary Tocco – The Explosion of Childhood Illness; Causes and Solutions – June 6, 2019' has no comments

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