Matt Blackburn

Experiential Health & Longevity Researcher

In May of 2017, Matt Blackburn earned a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Complementary and Alternative Health. While attending college and changing majors three times, he never let schooling get in the way of his education.
He was always questioning what he was being told while remaining open to certain aspects of the teachings being accurate and correct. He studied Psychology for five years, transitioned to Philosophy, and finished with Complementary and Alternative Health.
Water, light, magnetism and vegetarianism are topics that Matt has been sharing his insights on for the past eight years. His quest to discover the most effective tools and practices to optimize the body has led him down unexpected avenues of research.
Connecting the dots across various fields of study is his passion. He believes that whole being health is not static, but rather, complex and ever changing. What works for us today may not work for us tomorrow. It is our job individually to take moments throughout each day to assess whether our lifestyle is working for us or against us. This is the path of longevity.

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Matt Blackburn researching and experimenting with many great ideas and products, October 29, 2019

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