Matthew Ehret

The Forces Behind Ai, Great Rest, WHO, UN, and Global Governance

-Artificial intelligence as a psy op/ Origins and applications of this technology for good or evil

-The American system and the use of technology as a tool in the service of humanity vs tool of enslavement by oligarchical elite

-Lincoln’s fight and revolution in science of statecraft (anniversary of his death was April 14 and anniversary of Ben Franklin death April 17)

-Revival of American system science of government in anti-Malthusian alliance of Eurasia today 

Matthew Ehret is a journalist and co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation and Canadian Patriot Review. He has published scientific articles with 21st Century Science and Technology, and is a regular author on several political/cultural websites including Los Angeles Review of Books: China Channel, Strategic Culture, Off Guardian and The Duran. He has also authored three books from the series the Untold History of Canada.

Matthew puts China, Russia and the WEF into perspective.

We get a seldom explored, but fascinating history lesson of China

The CIA and George Soro’s role in china since the 1980’s

The division in the globalist camp is multi polarity and single polarity government

The division now is Russia/China/Iran vs. The EU and World Economic Forum

Putin is just waiting for the U.S. to fall financially and is in no hurry to do anything

The Green New Deal is losing steam and may not be the wet dream the globalists want

'Matthew Ehret | The Forces Behind Ai, Great Rest, WHO, UN, and Global Governance | April 18, 2023' has no comments

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