Matthew Ehret

The Great Monetary Reset

Matthew J.L. Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review ( and the Rising Tide Foundation. He is an author with Strategic Culture, The Duran, Fort Russ, LA Review of Books- China Channel, and has also been published on Asia Times, Global Times, Oriental Review, Sott, and Zero Hedge. He has authored three volumes of the book series “Untold History of Canada” (available on

Show highlights:

The economic meltdown has been a long time coming, it wasn’t created by COVID; it’s been decades in the making

The work and words of he late UN official Maurice Strong and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum; their plan for a “better” future

Changing the rules of the economy into something new

The markets have been hyperbolically inflated; we need a reset but not the kind of reset the technocrats want

COVID-19, the monetary reset, The Green New Deal are all tied in together. Find out how

The post pandemic future will also tackle climate change

Mass behavioral modification

At this moment we are living between 2 systems

This isn’t about caring about the environment as it’s being sold, it’s about top down control

How keeping the masses in conflict with one another is helping the powers that be get what they want

People would not vote on this naturally so it must be imposed on them

Will the reset happen more quickly with a Biden win?

The conspiracy to unravel America has been going on since the Revolutionary War

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Fascinating insights into Globalism, The elections and monetary challenges with Matthew Ehret, November 2, 2020

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