Matthew Ehret

Investigative Journalist, Historian

Matthew is a journalist and co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation and Canadian Patriot Review. He has published scientific articles with 21st Century Science and Technology, and is a regular author on several political/cultural websites including Los Angeles Review of Books: China Channel, Strategic Culture, Off Guardian and The Duran. He has also authored three books from the series the Untold History of Canada.

“Freedom? What’s freedom? I’m Canadian,” says investigative journalist Matthew Ehret.
Canada is still in lockdown. “Canadians have the freedom to stay home.”
How does Justin Trudeau compare to his father, Pierre Trudeau?
Matthew Ehret compares a high school economics textbook from 1944 that’s “grounded in the understanding of values” to the economics textbooks of today that are “so detached from common sense and reality.”
The market is so volatile that someone only has to say something, and the value of your investment crashes, Case in point, what Elon Musk said that affected Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Do China and Russia want to risk a nuclear war? Is China just playing along with the narrative of global warming?
Whatever one thinks about the origin of the coronavirus, it’s for sure “we’re being played.” The official narrative is “bunk;” the reality is there’s “a push for depopulation.”
We must get into the mindset of these global engineers who promote oligarchy.
What part did Henry Kissinger and the Trilateral Commission play in the politics of China? When did China start pushing back against Kissinger’s opposition to nation-states and support of Malthusianism?
What was Kissinger’s Nietzschean perspective? How did his belief in Darwinism affect his foreign policy?
How did Kissinger’s 1970 visit to China promote the Gang of Four until Mao Zedong died in 1976? What was behind Pierre Trudeau’s 1973 visit to China?

What was China’s Century of Humiliation? What did the British Empire and foreign powers do to “accelerate entropy”?
China’s aim is to turn debt into value at home and in Africa with their enormous natural resources, whereas the U.S. emphasis is on installing 200 bioweapons labs around the world.
Why does China regard the IMF as a “parasitical system that rejects the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.”
China files more parents than the U.S., and is a world leader in high-speed rail networks.
How did Donald Trump initiate the reconstruction of America? Is Biden continuing along the same path or is he following the dictates of the New World Order?
How did Aristotle’s 4th Century book, “Politics” influence today’s system of globalism? How does it compare to Platonism’s Mandate of Heaven? Are people born “blank slates” or are they a “reflection of the entire universe”?

Sun Yat-sen was a Christian. How were his Three Principles of the People influenced by Abraham Lincoln?
What was William Gilpin’s connection to Abraham Lincoln and the creation of greenbacks? What was Gilpin’s futuristic concept of a Cosmopolitan Railway hoping to accomplish for the economic linking of the U.S. with China?
How did Gilpin’s vision of a global system of railroads influence the Chinese Revolution of 1911 and the current Belt and Road Initiative?
Why did Wall Street want the interrelationship of nation-states to fail? What did the City of London hope to gain from World War I?
Why was Ben Franklin considered “The Prometheus of America”? Why was he interested in China and Confucianism?
What are the roots of our New Age of War? Why does George Soros want to “chop up China”? How is he a threat to the U.S. and the Belt and Road Initiative?
How is China’s Central Bank different from the U.S. Central Bank? How is the Glass–Steagall Act involved?
China wants to have a Confucian Revival, and the U.S. wants to know how to kill baby-boomers.

Matthew Ehret with another great show with insights into the history we don’t know, May 19, 2021

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