Michael Haley


Health Care Sharing: An Alternative to Health Insurance


Samaritan Ministries members are a group of believers that have come together in Biblical community to help bear one another’s medical burdens without the use of health insurance. The community of believers comes together as one Body to assist members in need. This way, individual believers are connected to the larger Body of Christ as they give and receive financial, emotional, and spiritual support. More than 229,000* Samaritan Ministries members share over $25 million* per month in medical needs directly, one household to another, without using health insurance. Come join our community of Christians helping Christians today!

Every month, Samaritan Ministries members generously give to other members with a qualified medical need. Members send checks, prayers, and notes of encouragement directly to the member in need. Because we’re lifting each other up in prayer in addition to sharing monetary gifts, members can minister to the whole need, including the physical, spiritual, and financial aspects.

Health care sharing is a unique opportunity for members to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Samaritan Ministries direct sharing model is a Biblical approach to paying for health care, based on passages like Galatians 6:2, which says “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Samaritan Ministries members share more than $25 million monthly.

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Dr. Haley’s son was hit by a pickup truck while skateboarding and the tale has been challenging for all as well as rewarding in how his unique insurance plan is working well for his family at $305 per month.

Understand the reason why the current allopathic medical/insurance model is dysfunctional

These Sharing programs negotiate a much better cost to work from

His son got addicted to Oxycodone in just a few day

At the end of the show Dr. Haley gives us some great information our his Aloe Products we promote


Dr. Mihael Haley and his experiences with a creative insurance paradigm he is involved with, March 15, 2018

'Michael Haley – Health Care Sharing: An Alternative to Health Insurance – There’s a Way for Those Who Embrace Natural Health to Have Health Insurance – March 15, 2018' has no comments

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