Patrick Timpone

Mitch Battros

Earth Changes Media

Mitch explains in a simple way what’s going on with the sun and how it’s affecting our life on earth.

-Why did the tragedy happen at The Indiana State Fair?

-Is Elenin a real concern?

-The prophecies of The Mayan ELders

-How do magnetics effect human beings?

-What is the number 2012 all about?

-Will earth changes make Japan go into the sea?

-Getting a plan together with your neighbors in case the grid goes out

August 15, 2011

Mitch Battros began production of his syndicated television show “Earth Changes TV” in 1995. In November 2002, he switched to radio broadcasting and presents a “live” one hour broadcast every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 PM to 10 PM (Pacific). This show can be reached from anywhere in the world via the internet.

“A Moment of Clarity”

On January 3rd 1995 Mitch experienced his first ever earthquake, which measured at 5.3 magnitude near his home located in Seattle, Washington. It was almost immediately after this profound ‘shaking moment’ he knew his journey was to help people prepare for coming earth changing events. Within three months of his ‘moment of clarity’, Mitch signed up for training with the Red Cross Disaster Team, Mental Health Unit. Soon after, he also joined the Emergency Management Office and conducts field trainings.

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mitch battros, earth changes and mayan prophecy, hour one

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