Patrick Timpone
Nadine Artemis
Creator of Living Libations
Nadine Artemis
Living Libations was created by Nadine Artemis, beauty philosopher, aromacologist, and botanical muse, shaping plant-intelligence into palpable consecrations to blush senses and muse imaginations.
Living Libations is a line of serums, elixirs, and essentials oil that nurture beauty, enhance the immune, and promote healthy good oral care. Nadine is the author of Holistic Dental Care: the Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums.
Nadine’s official biography begins when she first combines flasks of essential oils to recreate Nina Ricci’s L’Air du Temps for a school science fair. These botanical-inclinations led her on petal-pathed adventures in creating organic beauty balms, reviving elixirs, healing oral care and perfumed poetry to quench the natural yearnings of many.
Nadine opened North America’s first full concept Aromatherapy store, Osmosis, in 1994. Since that day Nadine has since received glowing reviews for her formulations in the Hollywood Reporter, Flare, the New York Times, Vogue and The National Post. Nadine has also addressed gatherings at conferences, appeared on television and radio shows.
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Show Highlights:
-Nadine specializes in skin, oral care, and lady parts.
-Certified organic labeling only requires that 30% of ingredients are organic.
-Even minute amounts of non-organic ingredients affect the body and disrupt the skin microbiome.
-To make a truly organic product, need to change the architecture of product and not just substitute an organic ingredient for non-organic ingredients.
-We are missing microbes – we have 25% less diversity of microbes in our bodies. Plant products can inhibit quorum sensing and disrupt pathogenic organisms and biofilms, without interfering with good bacteria.
-Jojoba oil is comparable to human sebum. Has a shelf life of 100 years. Clove oil useful for combating pathogenic organisms.
-Order by December 6 to get products by Christmas.
-Julie likes Poetic Pits and Sea Buckthorne. Poetic Pits are 100% essential oils with sandalwood oil as the main ingredient. Can also buy sandalwood oil and add other oils as desired.
-Soap can be drying. Nadine tells how to use oils instead of soap to wash skin.
-Synthetic product residues stay on the skin for days. If using chlorinated water, use spring water to rinse off skin.
-Nadine has products to help with post-menopausal issues in lady parts. Compounded DHEA suppositories help with atrophy.
-DUTCH testing useful for determining hormone status. Can be done at home.
-Lymph Tonic for use in dry skin brushing for lymph stimulation.
-Our skin is designed to be exposed to sun. We make a water-based form of Vitamin D from interaction with the sun.
-Nadine has kits, bundles, and gift suggestions available.
and more!!!
nadine artemis on truly organic beauty care, december 1, 2016
'Nadine Artemis – Serums, Elixirs, and Essential Oils That Nurture Beauty, Enhance Immunity, and Promote Healthy Good Oral Care – December 1, 2016' has no comments
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