Open Phone Friday

When anything goes…

…and usually does!!!

Wherver you go…there you are.  A simple spiritual Truth that is too simple for most Souls because it is not complicated or mysterious. 

Must be a past life thing  :)

Creating our own reality is easy…we all do it every moment, 2/7 – and have for lifetimes.

Lance calls in from California and tells his magic elixir he made with Dr. Daniel’s recommendation that helped his damaged knee get back in the game quite quickly.  He is amazed.

We have an interesting conversation about Vitamin D, the sun, blood testing, blood levels and more.  During this time Atom contributes, as usual:

Vitamin D is measured in the wrong place.  Why do the beaker boys measure it in the blood instead of the fat where it’s stored?

I’m sunning with Jack Kruse on this one

Vitamin D from sunshine is a group of dozens of vitamins, not a single one.  What’s the name of the vitamin D measured in the blood? Toxiferol.   Toxiferol” has no marketing potential, so the beaker boys call it 25-hydroxy-vitamin D

Carol calls in about her four legged family and how one truly sparked up beyond expectations on some of Dr. Brodericks’ super food, phyto food and broccoli sprouts supplements.  Cornucopia Pet Foods.

We have the ability to do our own special creative spiritual exercises each day, that develops a more expanded and light state of consciousness.

Bridget calls, always fun, and she’s head over feet for patches that claim to boost one’s own stem cell production..  If you like to learn more email her here

D3-K2 740 X 90 Mountain Sunrise

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, August 2, 2019 Part One

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, August 2, 2019 Part Two

'Open Phone Friday – Age is OK for Cheese, Wine and Gold Coins, But not for Human Beings -August 2, 2019' has no comments

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