Patrick talks about sleeping again after twenty years of Yes, No…Maybe sleep.  How’d that happen?

Hear from Patrick McGean, The sultan of sulfur who calls in on the fly.

All the things we read “out here” on the net, including “news” is just someones opinion and not the Truth of the matter.

Some emails: TO GET RID OF MOLES — A mixture of CASTOR OIL + BAKING SODA will remove them with no scarring. Make a little of each into a paste, rub it into the mole am and pm daily for 10 days – 2 weeks. The mole and area around it will get sore and red, but keep applying it until the mole falls off. You will have no scar once the redness disappears. I have used this on moles even right by my eye with no problem so think it’s pretty darned safe.

Great advice I think on the moles. I have listened to all of Dr Jennifer Daniels advice and am a great believer in castor oil and turpentine. It is wonderful stuff and I have been doing it for months with wonderful effects. HMMM you wouldnt believe what came outta me the second day and I thought I was in a state of extreme health already. Dont look in the toilet the next day if you are squimish and start her protocol.

I mix gum spirits with castor oil and occasionally use on my face, finish it off with a warm washcloth. I had a woman in my face asking me where my wrinkles are. Lol…Also read an article regarding a woman experiencing seizures. She had a calcified tapeworm in her brain. Thanks for all your great information.

Dr. Daniels touched on the psoas muscle group briefly, once. If you have not researched how to stress the psoas muscle group you’ll love what you discover. YouTube how to cause the psoas muscle group to quiver. This muscle group in our hips is attached to our cerebellum. By causing the stressed psoas muscles to quiver with exhaustion causes the mind to release traumas with the hip muscles. It’s wild and it works!!

I would like to know more about the ingredients in the Mold Relief product on your site and usage instructions….does it leave a residue that needs to be wiped off? Safe to use in kitchen around food products and pets?

We got into a discussion on acidity and alkalinity in the body and the water and Atom sent in a few jewels …as usual

Rainwater is slightly acidic because of the beneficial effect of carbon dioxide.

Patrick recalled, on the air, a dream experience he had the previous night where he was teaching a class on Buteyko Breathing..which is curious because he is just learning it himself here in the physical.

From Atom: 

“Buteyko breathing” was widely known by American Indians tribes.

Artist, author, and traveler George Catlin (1796-1872) wrote extensively about it.
His book, Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life, was published in 1891.
Medical doctors call Buteyko breathing “permissive hypercapnia.”

We talked about the challenges of eating animal protein in the morning for breakfast with eating in time, in mind and Atom emailed:  

American pioneers ate songbirds for breakfast.
Just like today’s Fulton Fish Market, a large songbird market existed in downtown New York City.

All carbs (including complex carbs) burn like pine needles.
Proteins and oils burn like charcoal briquettes.
We eat almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, avocados, and coconut oil for breakfast to buffer our carbs.

Thomas A. Baroody’s Alkalize or Die, 1991, helped spread the acid/bad alkaline/good myth.

The cover shows alkalinity as a waterfall amidst a lush primeval forest, contrasted to acidity as a barren desert.

Guess what? Soils in wet mountain climates are almost always acidic, while soils in dry climates are almost always alkaline.

Deserts are dried-up alkali flats, while the lush foliage of mountain forests is almost always created by acidic soils.

Warm up or cool off by stimulating the Triple Heater Meridian (also called the Three Burners).

Functional medicine doctors say a tsh over 3 is too high. I am glad I got all the thyroid tests done. Otherwise I would never have known my t4 does not convert to t3! Medicare will not always pay for all the lab tests I want.     I recently used You Lab Works to do tests. They partner with Quest Diagnostics. I am happy with their fees and customer service

Open Phone Friday with you Doodle and Patrick, December 7, 2018

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