When anything goes…

…and usually does!


Geeks say it is best to leave the computer on all the time, just turn the screen off, and it lasts longer, as turning off and on is hard on hardware.

Three cavitations were done on Patrick on April 2nd. and We spent the last ten days with low grade fever, (1.5 degrees above normal) and classic “flu” like symptoms.  Proof positive the cavitation work was necessary. 

There are many small, seemingly insignificant devices we may bring home that are causing high RF reading, (harmful EMF), that are not advertised.  Apple TV small black box is one example.

Birds prefer real food like bugs, berries flora and fauna compared to store bought sunflower seeds

Patrick recommends a movie called, “A Dogs Purpose.”  Very good.  Warning, may bring some happy tears.

We can experience Divine Spirit while in the physical directly as light and sound.

The true way to know what is going on is to look and see, and analyse later

 Conversation about cod liver oil with a listener on the East Coast

Brenda calls from the Texas panhandle about Living Streams Probiotcs

A sampling of emails:  Just wanted you to know that I just finished listening to your show with Dean, and … wow! Excellent…. Excellent… 👍
thank you

Have you had spiritual experiences during meditation or whatever…feeling warmth and light?  Some people will call it Christ Consciousness.  It’s only happened to me twice in meditation.  First time I felt an overwhelming light, warmth, joy and had tears pouring down my face (Happy tears).  The second time I experienced something similar and asked for assistance from Arc Angel Michael to remove any attachments…maybe in that moment it was sadness if I was removing negative attachments

We talked about a dog in the UK that was buried alive for everyone thought he had died… and dug it’s way out of the grave

Atom sent this in:  Many people are buried or cremated that are not dead — 2,000 a year in Great Britain, according to biologist Lyall Watson in his book The Romeo Error (reprinted as The Biology of Death).

Easter is this Sunday
Queen’s 93rd birthday is Sunday
And the new Game of Thrones is being aired worldwide.

Any astrologers out there?

Run for the hills! The beaker boys have concocted a nanoparticle-based drug-delivery system capable of efficient H. pylori oral vaccination.50 percent of humanity is “infected,” so it will be “great” for global business.


Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick on Easter Weekend, April 21, 2019 ONE

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick on Easter Weekend, April 21, 2019 ONE

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick on Easter Weekend, April 21, 2019 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – A Good Weekend to Trust in God, and Tie Up Your Camel – April 19, 2019' has no comments

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