Show highlights:

Is it possible this could be a time were we could be making a choice to let go of fear based belief systems?
Getting out of a fear based reality
Taking steps to reach out and re-evaluate what we believe and fear
One way to get into a new reality or mind set is to forgive everyone we have issues with
Moving forward we will be in separate realities
Where do we put our focus if we want to remain in a positive state?
Following our passions will put us in a state of consciousness to be good examples and live happy lives
Glyphosate testing
How doing what you want to do will serve humanity
When we get attached to the outcome, it doesn’t let spirit move through and create an outcome that’s best for everyone
Astrologically, 2020 is one of the most life-changing years in history
This year presents profound shifts as the planets make room for greater freedom and change
Transformation comes when we can face the reality of who we are
Taking bigger steps allows for larger, more muscular butts
Pigs feet as a good source of collagen
What’s the best protection of 5g?
Is 5g unsafe because it is at a wrong frequency?
Your county deputy as the ultimate power over federal powers
One of the real mistakes socialists/ globalists make is not understanding abundance
Blaming others for our conditions is a real philosophical spiritual issue we have
If you stay 90 feet away from a 5g tower, no protection is needed
Starting a new project during summer solstice is the best time to start new things
The mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma issued a curfew while President Trump is supposed to have a rally there
Fauci criticized everyday Americans for not listening to authority regarding Covid
Using bee venom for medicinal purposes
The powerful affects or turpentine

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and patrick , Summer Solstice Show, moving into another reality, June 20, 2021

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