When anything goes….

…and usually does!!

Creating our own reality is really quite simple and easy – All Souls do this every day, in every way.

The easiest way to not do what you “really don’t want to do” but appears necessary, is to surrender to doing it…and it most often then evaporates before you have to do it.

We talk about Ray Peat’s discussion making grains healthy and digestible.

Pickling lime (calcium hydroxide) can be done with any grain.
Pellagra (niacin deficiency) killed thousands of people in the Southern U.S.

By becoming conscious of all the subconscious pressures that may be trying to influence us yields them powerless.

A conscious belief and expectation is much more powerful than a subconscious belief.

The subconscious is being blamed for all sorts of things happening to humans and this is just another illusion the lower forces is selling

Atom jewels offered up during the live show: The liver gives us the “rage to live” at its best, and just plain anger at its worst.  Turning the liver into the livest might be our highest choice.

Learned helplessness kills people.   A rat without it can swim for days.  A rat with it will drown in 3 minutes
A listener sent us a video claiming that Adrenochrome is a secret weapon keeping some elite alive past 90 and Atom sent this in.
Adrenochrome (oxidized adrenaline) kills people.
Nixtamalization kills fungal mycotoxins too. Hominy is an example of nixtamalized corn

Open Phone Friday with you Patrick and Doodle, March 1, 2019 ONE

Open Phone Friday with you Patrick and Doodle, March 1, 2019 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Either the glass is half-filled with joy or it’s half-empty with joy. We can only drink our joy one mouthful at a time. – March 1, 2019' has no comments

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