Patrick Timpone

Our state of consciousness is the only consideration worth considering.  Nothing else matters.

If something matters to us, then in turns into physical reality. This is how we create our reality.

When something no longer matters to us, regardless …. it doesn’t exist.

There is no letting go, simply not going there any longer.

Cindy calls who wanted a third child.  She finally just let go and let God and her child came in.

As parents we can ask the little ones if they remember where they were last night to facilitate dream recall.

Cindy details her birth experience at home, with husband and family, cutting the cord, burying the placenta etc.

She talks about her good experiences with sea salt in her water

Patrick goes through using a good RV meter to measure the RF pollution in your home.

The maximum safe level is  10 micro watts meter squared    (10 u w m2)

Here is the meter Dave Stetzer recommends

How the religions turned leaving the body into washing away sins

Sean calls and thinks Patrick is too touchy feeling “loving” to discipline children.

patrick, one

Patrick, two

'Patrick Timpone | We Change Our Reality to What We Want; No Need to Be In Conflict with Anyone or Anything | August 8, 2023' has no comments

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