Show highlights:

-It’s helpful to view all the silliness, manipulation, crazy politics, etc in the world as you would a movie; it’s a lot of drama and then once it’s over, they come out with a bad sequel

-Patrick shares his chiropractic story and an xray of his vertebrae

-The stock market has plunged and wrapped up the worst week since 2008; is all this really about the coronavirus?

-And speaking of the corona virus, how is it popping up in people who have never been exposed to someone who had it? Also, and we’re just wondering, but we still don’t understand the panic. 50,000 people die each year in the US alone from pneumonia. To date there have been 2800 deaths worldwide from the coronavirus

-Atom Bergstrom adds: Warm air supercharges pneumonia. Eskimos didn’t get pneumonia until they stopped living in igloos or visited warmer climates. 4,000,000 die globally from pneumonia every year. That’s why pneumonia is called “The Captain of the Men of Death.” On the other hand, it’s known as The Old Man’s Friend. Most people die from the treatment, not from the disease.

-The key to avoiding any bad illness is to keep your immune system strong. If you missed our excellent interview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens yesterday, please listen. He shared some pretty interesting information as well as some great natural remedies

-Can ozone therapy kill the virus? What effect will molecular hydrogen water have on the virus?

-From a listener: I’m certain I gave myself type 1 diabetes at age 40 by microwaving all my home meals for several years in a rubbery plastic bowl and clogging my liver with plastics.  I’ve been working hard to improve my lifestyle over the last decade and know my liver has cleansed itself much, with reversal of minor chronic conditions like hypoglycemia and an allergy.  
What more can I do?  My breakfast is cooked and some raw vegetables, liver or eggs for protein, garlic and sea salt etc.  Good activity including gardening.

-Vitamin C information

and so much more!

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'Open Phone Friday – Fear, Angst, Anxiety, Trepidation: Love Purifies Everything – February 28, 2020' has no comments

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