Show highlights:

To look at life as movie is beneficial because then we don’t have any vested interest in the “movie”- we can read about what is going on in the world without it affecting us
“Manifest a better future and set the example”
Leaked German documents showing Covid was overestimated and the people who died from it, statistically would have died this year anyway
Eye exercises are the key to I.Q
A Cobalamin tonic at exactly 2 am will blow out the carbon in your liver
Solar times for eating food
The benefits or eating almonds with tree fruit and olives or avocado
People say stocks are only high right now because of all the money the federal reserve is printing
Astrology especially makes sense in an electromagnetic universe
There’s karma that we didn’t see coming that arrives from our past lives
What type of vitamin c is the most beneficial?
The more energetically we get into issues, the more it can affect us
JFK and the forces behind his murder
Could the forces that were behind the JFK murder be the forces behind the UN, the WHO, and Coronavirus? (The globalists/ the nationalists)
Project Veritas infiltration into Antifa
Paying for healing and spiritual help?
Spiritual healing from another person is all in the psychic level; it is kind of like hypnotism
Spiritual healing happens when we surrender to divine spirit and ask for a healing, then that energy helps us to see how and why we created that disease
David Martin as a valuable source for what is currently happening with Covid

Open Phone and email Friday with You, doodle and Patrick, June 5, 2020

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