with You and Patrick Timpone


When Anything Goes…

And Usually Does!!!

Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!


It appears many of us did not read the fine print when we signed up to have another body on Planet Earth

We certainly face our challenges keeping everything in balance here, yet there’s always a way.  Always

Patrick thinks this raw cacao is a good super food for most, and most people do fairly well with it

We go through some options to protect our bodies from EMF exposure, physical and spiritual

Patrick like to give Doodle a couple caps of Milk Thistle from time to time, just because we can.  He gives a good way you may try, using good clean animal fat as the transfer mechanism

Robert and Patrick go over some ideas on doing a Liver Gall Bladder Flush, that we’ve learned over the years

There are a few things that Dr. Hal Huggins talked about that are important when doing a root canal and extractions

Erasing ideas from our subconscious is easy, simply erase what you want using any visualization and feeling that you resonate with.

Some emails  Patrick,
My wife of 13 years has decided to proceed with divorce. We have three kids, and they are taking it well because they stay busy in life. I find that I am losing my “filter” when talking to people and I am practically addicted to talking to other women now. I am completely frightened of the emotional, financial insecurity and lack of intimacy and being away from the kids for too long. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for how to help cope with these changes.

I would like to ask you and Robert a question. What are both of your
experience with the Tennant Bio-modulator?

Are there any new treatments for prostate cancer that has possibly metastasized to the bone?Who would you go to for treatment if you were in need?
Do you know where I can buy natural NON-activated charcoal? I tried searching your site & online but can’t find any vendors.

what mask did you wear when you de-fogged your home with the living streams products? did you buy it at a hardware store or online–and if so–price range?

You have had great success with living streams probiotics and you colon function. Would you mind sharing what products you are taking? My wife could use some help in this area and I want to know which probiotics to purchase for her.

We have some conversations with two callers on Dr. Ellie Phillip’s protocol and both callers are having a good experience and results with same

Bridget suggests thinking something is bad for you and eating is makes it really bad for you

Sean in Seattle gives us quite an unsolicited endorsement of Andreas CBD Hemp Oil.  Says he’s researched most of the too.


Open Phone Friday with you and Patrick, July 13, 2018 ONE

Open Phone Friday with you and Patrick, July 13, 2018 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – No One Who Matters Will Ever Give You a Hard Time for Something You’ve Done – July 13, 2018' has no comments

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.