Open Phone Friday

When anything goes…

…and usually does!!!


We had some great calls from around The Country with you telling your encouraging stories of making real progress in healing and staying healthy.  There is always a way

Patrick using the road less traveled to get to the promised land of quiet tummy

We talk about fasting, CBD Oil, lots of testimonials for Living Streams Products, (in our store) and how perseverance in getting the body into balance pays great dividends.

Listener asks if Patrick has taken Dr. Jennifer Daniels advice on eating two cups of fennel seeds per day to cure tummy

The body knows what direction and timing of what it wants to work on all the time.

Listener recommends X Files episode titled, “The lost art of forehead sweating.”  We’ll put it on the list

Infections are simply symptoms of spiritual challenges, not the cause of things.

Some emails:

I’m interested to know if you’re still following the Dr Ellie protocol, and if not what made you stop?
Love your show and, though I don’t have time to listen to everything, I always listen to Atom (after the fact).

I take Living Streams Multiblend since August and would like to try more of Wayne´s probiotics, but don´t know which ones would be best for me to add. I have been chronicly ill for many years and my weight is only 88 lbs.
Would it be possible to reach Wayne Blakely by phone or email?
Thank you very much for your help!

Marianne Williamson gave best, most real speech last night. Most profound ,.true thing I’ve ever heard in that setting:

She said our Health Care System is not Health Care … It’s Sick Care. She even used the words..Big Pharma. I don’t agree w her politics .. But THAT was poignant. Of all those speaking, Marianne had most Google searches ..folks looking her up to find out who she is.Pretty sure she has a lot to do with A Course in Miracle

Ive been interested in trying low dose naltrexone. i wanted to ask if you had any good leads on where to get the actual low dosage? the only sources i can find is the 50mcg and its seems a little sketchy overseas  did u actually go get a prescription for it and have a compounding pharmacy make it?  I can do this but my doc might not want to play along with it.

From Atom Da Bomb  Re: For and Against (Yin and Yang). Adano Ley held up a pen, and asked, “How many ends does this pen have?” Most folks said, “Two.”  “No,” Adano replied. “It has either no ends or infinite ends.”. In the Orient, it’s Yin and Yang. In the Occident, it’s Yin or Yang.

Dr. Daniels said the fennel seeds work to cure indigestion by sedating any parasites, plus soaking up any toxins that they produce or that was already present.

i was wondering what happened to the guest you where supposed to have on June 18th? i cant find the show of that guest. Dr.Gordon Pedersen Topic silver! thanks!   Answer:  He is rescheduled for July 9th.


Open Phone and Email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, June 28, 2019 ONE

Open Phone and Email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, June 28, 2019 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Not Being For or Against Any Thing and Throwing The Baby Out with The Bathwater -June 28, 2019' has no comments

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