Open Phone Friday

Show highlights:

Forced vaccination for a Covid vaccine
In a republic, the majority can not take away the God given rights of anyone
The difference between a democracy and a republic
Double blind studies supposed to be required for vaccines to prove safety, efficacy, and effectiveness
Reduced capacity in restaurants and mandated masks in different states
What is the motivation behind governors complying with Covid standards?
How does hydrogen compare to ozone?
Hydrogen is the more efficient and effective antioxidant
Oxidation is one of the causes for bad skin
Comparing the model of HIV to that of Covid
Evidence showing the HIV test couldn’t delineate the virus
There are ways to remain separate or in a different reality than others
The more invested we are in our opinion then more energy we put into a situation
The cities where most businesses are closed
5,000 businesses have permanently closed in Los Angeles, 6,000 temporarily closed
We are all connected spiritually
The 100th monkey theory
Calling Covid “The great awakening”
Diluting plasma shown to reverse the signs of aging in mice
Creating good karma for yourself and evolving spiritually
We create our next reality through this reality
Testing for hormonal cystic acne
When were reacting to physical reality with stress, hormones become unbalanced

Open Phone and Email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, July 24, 2020

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