Open Phone Friday

When anything goes…

…and usually does!

Patrick woke up with this phrase in his consciousness a few days ago..wrote it down and:

“People who are not interested or have the intellect to report and talk about Truth…have to make stuff up to have something to say.”

Patrick shares what he has learned on how exactly he created the environment for a buggie like H Pylori to set up housekeeping in his tummy.

Nature and Souls who respect teach us so much, as we learn to listen more carefully

Patrick the sulfur man likes the work of Dr Thomas Lewis and we talk about the eye being part of the brain, and why the living streams Flora PM and Bifido II in the eyes at night produce lots of gooey sticky eyes in the morning

Who are the forces and what are the motives behind pitting one against another in our culture today

Sean in Seattle calls wondering who we may recommend to female friends seeking support for “female” physical issues

Patrick talks about his process for his ongoing adventure in coffee enemas…and just the right solar time


Open Phones with you, Patrick and Doodle, July 19, 2019 ONE

Open Phones with you, Patrick and Doodle, July 19, 2019 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Taking The Mystery and Victim Meme out of The Subconscious -July 19, 2019' has no comments

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