with You and Patrick Timpone


When Anything Goes…

And Usually Does!!!

-Patrick talks about his recent 3,600 mile road trip with his companion Doodle off to have her checked out by Dr. Gerald Smith DDS in longhorn Pennsylvania.  Dr. Smith found a few curious things lurking in their bodies.  What fun.

-Carol calls in with tales of how Dr. Broderick’s Cornucopia Pet Foods truly helped her family of four legged ones

-Patrick, the Sulfur man, checks in and chats about a sulfur based face cream he wants to send Patrick to try

-Bridgett, from Florida, gives us an update on her experiences with hurricane Michael and says Patrick’s new look is sexy. She is still rockin’ and rollin’ on mostly meat, most of the time.

-As per usual on Open Phones and The Red Pill show Patrick gives his personal experiences with looking and seeing of how the world works on a spiritual level.

-Patrick had several dream experiences with a class mate of his in grade school more than 50 years ago.  No contact with him in the physical all these years.  He spent a few nights with him in another reality, also known as a dream, and a couple of weeks ago found out he died suddenly of a heart attack.

Some emails:  Do you know the dose for 3% CDS (chlorine dioxide solution)? The only instructions that came with it was 1 ml in 4 oz of water will dilute down to 25 parts per million. It did not say anything else.

Atom writes:   What does White House Chef Andre Rush eat in a typical day? He eats 4 chickens, 12 eggs, 2 yogurts, 2 protein shakes, some milk, and 2 or 3 gallons of water.

-Just want to say that I ordered six products from Wayne Blakely !!!! I’ve only used the flora p.m. at night so far…. a drop in each eye and OMG …my eye floaters are disappearing !!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to start on the other products
-Doug in Toronto writes, we have not heard from either Steven Heuer or Tony Pantelleresco. Whats up with that? Love listening to you and learning so much!
-I’m wondering if you used the Theraphi or Cyberscan when you went to visit Dr. Gerald Smith. I’ve used Cyberscan, and I really want to to try the Theraphi. Please tell me about your experience if you tried them. Also, what is your experience with the Biomodulator and transducer? I was thinking about getting one or both.
-I’ve just started listening to your show in the podcast format. I recall in a recent podcast it was mentioned that Livingstreams probiotics can help keep calcium out of the body. But you also said it can be kept out of the brain. A very close friend of mine went to the ER and it appears she has 3 cavernomas which can have a high calcium component. I don’t know yet if surgery is in order, but she is a single mother of 2 young boys and one is autistic.
-My husband is a Purple Heart recipient and was involved in the Hamburger Hill battle in Vietnam. Do you know of a modality or protocol for treatment for severe wartime PTSD? Would be so very appreciative.

Open Phone Friday with you, Patrick and Doodle, October 20, 2018 ONE

Open Phone Friday with you, Patrick and Doodle, October 20, 2018 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Think and Say the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth – October 19, 2018' has no comments

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