Show highlights:

Patrick chose winner of first caller to Open Phone Friday Daniel  Duke winner for August 2 gallons of Stockton Aloe and rebounder
Patrick plays a video interview of Zack Bush, M.D.
“What is a virus?”
Viruses were moving around the Earth for millions of years before airplanes.
Viruses are a natural part of our genome.

Patrick is experimenting with a protocol based on Morley Robbins.
His protocol includes bee pollen, cod liver oil, liver, rice bran, diatomaceous earth, etc.

Australia and some other countries are not planning mandatory COVID vaccinations; people are waking up and vaccines are being challenged

Patrick stopped voting about 20 years ago.
Oxygen therapy while exercising has some downsides.
“The proof is in the pudding,” Patrick says about experimenting with Morley’s protocol.

Mark Zuckerberg has a global agenda. He’s not the only one.

Globalists say mail in ballots are going to determine elections. Neither will concede and it will go electoral college in January. It will be ugly

“I like to split the hairs on a fly,” Robert says, wondering about the pH of hydrogen water.
Robert extols the virtues of melatonin.
“I’ve taken so much zinc, I wouldn’t doubt if I’m copper-depleted,” Robert says.
Patrick talks about “blue-blocker” eyeglasses for evening computer use.
Copper cream is for sale on the internet.
Breathing through the mouth is detrimental to the body.

The less we breathe, the quieter the mind is.
Dr. William Wong has some “really, really good enzymes.”

Half a million people have been evacuated in Oregon.

“May the blessings be.”

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, September 11, 2020, ONE

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, September 11, 2020, TWO

'Open Phone Friday – Vilifying the Very Fabric Upon Which Life Is Built Is Not a Good Idea – September 11, 2020' has no comments

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