with You and Patrick Timpone


When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!


Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!


Patrick talks about his ongoing experiences with Small Flowered Willow Bark for the return to natural color for the hair and seeing other changes in hair as well.

How to make an herbal infusion ala Susun Weed, the herbalist

Food grade hydrogen peroxide must be worked with very carefully for all external and internal applications

Glyphosates being used on a wide variety of non GMO crops, essential to eat all organic if at all possible

Doing a spring liver cleanse and the Andreas Moritz Liver Gallbladder flush protocol

Check out farmers markets whenever possible for your best opportunity to get the best organic produce available

The ELISA testing for food sensitivities

Robert talks to Patrick about the Carbon – 60 product discussed on Thursday.  Patrick and Doodle are trying some now.

The ocean has around 70 minerals and in the exact proportion as we human people, persons…Souls..pretty cool

Here are some of the emails from Atom that contributed to the fun things discussed during this show:

Urinary Bladder Meridian is corrected by eating melons at Urinary Bladder Time (3:00-5:00 p.m.).

Our internal ocean is the Third Period of the Periodic Table.
That’s where you find table salt (sodium and chloride) and Epsom salt (magnesium and sulfur).
Many of the doggies start itching in the spring and summer and we were musing on how something must be amiss in their gut for this to be happening….and Atom sent this in:
The gut microbiome weighs only a little more than the human brain, yet it (allegedly) contains over 99% of “our” DNA. The gut is our border patrol and Distant Early Warning Line, so about 80% of our “allergies” are first activated there.
Swami Nitty-Gritty claimed we need 144 minerals.  I only learned about 120 of them before the Swami left for other planets.
Patrick tells the story about Divine Spirits’ laying out the very best for us all the time and how their simply are no accidents and chance should be stricken from the dictionary.

Open Phone Friday with you and Patrick, April 13, 2018 ONE

Open Phone Friday with you and Patrick, April 13, 2018 TWO

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