Show highlights:

When we’re in pain is when we are healing OR needing to make a decision

The flu vaccine was more potent this year; no telling what junk was in that thing

Brian calls in from NY to talk about some things he’s observed and heard about in NY concerning the care of COVID patients. He’s very smart and the bottom line is people need to learn about their bodies, how it functions, and how to hear it naturally


A listener calls in to ask about the Blushield cube

Mark in Mass. calls in to tell us how things are going there as far as the lockdown

A listener calls in from Portland to tells us that Portland doesn’t have 5g OR flouride in the water; she thinks she’s already had COVID-19. She thinks the social distancing

Patrick tells his tooth story and how the tooth was connected to the stomach/pancreas

What can happen in female dogs who haven’t been spade; it can cause death quickly if surgery is not done

Patrick thinks there will be two different types of people after this whole fiasco, the red pillers and the blue pillers

Here’s why Bill Gates wants indemnity

Dr. Thomas Cowan on how COVID-19 fails Koch’s postulates

and more!

Open Phones with You, Doodle and patrick a lively three hours of insights into the Carona World and lots of calls, April 17, 2020 ONE

Open Phones with You, Doodle and patrick a lively three hours of insights into the Carona World and lots of calls, April 17, 2020 TWO

'Open Phone Friday – We Need to Create A Wholesome Existence and Pass It On – April 17, 2020' has no comments

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