with You and Patrick Timpone


When Anything Goes…And Usually Does!!!


Near the end of the show Patrick shares his inner experiences of how the thoughts, ideas and emotions we accept as real create more density, darkness and lack of flow for Spirit to heal.  Also how the “Love at first sight” thing works. 


Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!


From Atom Bergstrom during the show:

“And the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.”

And The Word creates the light.

Listener with one getting replaced and a possible other one soon..we talk about fat, collagen, sulfur, Sutrhrival’s NEW D3/K2 Elixer

From Atom on knees:

Vitamin K for bones too. And black cumin oil.

Knee Problems? Weak knees happen when people can’t make decisions.

Knee replacements happen when people say things like, “Life has brought me to my knees,” or, even worse, “Life has cut me off at the knees.”

Left knee is a decision about a guy.

Right knee is a decision about a gal.

Kidneys are involved with “kid knees.”

Question comes in Will Aloe Vera help with Acid Reflux?

Carol calls in with a compelling story with her little doggie and big hernia and visiting Texas A&M Hospital and eventually getting back to normal naturally

If you are an Amazon Prime person watch Goliath, Season One, eight episodes starring Billy Bob Thornton..It’s Da Bomb


Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, March 16, 2018  ONE

Open Phone Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, March 16, 2018 TWO

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