October 12, 2017

Open Phone Thursday

Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!



Show highlights:

-Dr. Tom Cowan shares heartening reports about the positive effect of strophanthus (ouabain) on the heart.  Read about it at fourfoldhealing.com blog.

-Cooking up kitchari.  Soak basmati rice and yellow mung dal and then cook with spices and vegetables.

-Mika’s Any Other World lyrics:  “Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in.”  A song for our times.

-Listener queries about any hazards to solar energy.  Do they emit EMFs?  Want a DC-AC converter that puts out a perfect sine wave to eliminate dirty electricity in the walls.

-Here’s a link to Amazon for the Stetzer meter and three Stetzer Filters that clean up dirty electricity…appears to be a good deal.

-To learn more you can call Dave Stetzer, and he’s always glad to help with information.  You can purchase meters and filters directly from Dave.  Stetzer Electric Website.

-Keep in mind the two units we promote, one from Ken Rhola, The Rest Shield, and the other is The Blue Shield Technology.  Both help with the dirty electricity issue.  Ads on our front page.


Open Phones with you and Patrick on October 12, 2017

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