Patrick Timpone



When Anything Goes…
And Usually Does!!!

Patrick talks with listeners, pondering emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!

open phones patrick

Show Highlights:

-How to know what to do? Confusion over conflicting advice from various guests.
-Caller has a cyst on his back.
-Sciatica and ozone, trigger points, pinched nerves, herniated discs, and emotional trauma.
-“Sometimes we have to face the lion, because there is no reason to run from it.”
-Derrick from Alaska asks about Bio-K+ probiotic that Tony Pantalleresco mentioned.
-Sale price on Elk Velvet Antler from Surthrival.
-Andrea in Australia asks about a root canal she had for an abscessed tooth. Is a crown needed? Is there a way to keep the tooth strong?
-What kind of fertilizer do farmer’s market vendors use?
-Emailer likes Green Pasture fermented cod liver oil.
-Emailer asks about Lyme Disease. Letting go of the idea of having something big, bad, and hard to treat. Dr. Hines has a protocol for Lyme Disease.

and so much more!!


open phones with you and patrick, may 10, 2016

'Open Phone Tuesday – Overcoming the Confusion When It Comes to Health – May 10, 2016' has no comments

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