Open Phone Wednesday


Our guest for today was a “no show” so we didn’t let it get us down; we had lots of fun!


We talk about the concept of “Thinking, Feeling and Acting to manifest what we want to experience.


Our scheduled guest no doubt heard our show with Dr Exley yesterday on the dangers of aluminum and just couldn’t find his way to put on the tin foil hat for this morning.  We apologize for not delivering the scheduled guest.  We’ll do better.

A little of this and a little of that this morning, including:

The Uber IPO story.  JP Morgan invested 5 million in Uber in 2011 and predictions are they will profit over 600 million in Thursday’s IPO of Uber

Uber drivers are staged demonstrations today and planning Thursday for better pay.  Uber lost 3 Billion Dollars last year and suggest they have to cut salaries to drivers to turn a profit.  Sound business plan?  IPO enthusiasts won’t care, watch what happens on Thursday with the stock price

From the beginning of time there’s always been those who step up and want to tell the rest of us how to live our lives.  It’s always been this way, and perhaps always will.

Most Souls simply do not want to take total responsibility for their overall well being.

Big swings in the stock market during the day, mostly to the upside is the doing of The Plunge Protection Team

The Great Depression, just like the Twin Towers and Building 7, all were  controlled demolitions.

Listener suggests we have Jordan Maxwell on for a future Tin Foil Had Wednesday

More and more anecdotal and some science that High CBD Oil is a beneficial nutrient to take

Vegetarians take heart, millions are being invested in producing the perfect milk in a laboratory.  Yum !

Bayer has lost half their share price in the last year, after paying 56 Billion cash for Monsanto

We talked about starting ones own business and talked about a few emails as well:

They say if you have a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.  I like my current job, it’s pretty laid back and the pay is good but I really want a change.  I’m considering buying property where I can start to build a homestead and I think I should follow my heart and see if I can make a humble living off the land.  I don’t even care about getting rich, I just want a roof over my head and peace and quiet outdoor area.  Do you have any suggestions on that?  Have you been doing any gardening lately? 

Where do you find good legal advice for contracts when starting a business.

How do you take your sulfur product and how much do you take daily? How does your product compare with MSM products you can purchase at the health food store?

Have you done anything with taking boron (borax)
You had an article called the
Borax Conspiracy by Walter Last on your website about all of the health benefits of boron. It must be good since you can’t get it in most European countries and Australia.? It’s been outlawed.

Ive been driving uber for 3 months as a side hustle on Friday and Saturday nights. without the surge prices at those small time windows. its less then min. wage.. i couldn’t imagine them paying us drivers any less then they already do without a big back lash from drivers and the whole thing crumbling  I would like to see the whole thing union ized. … should we just “trust” a big corporate company to pay us fairly ?! ive had good paying rides where they have taken 40% of the fare..

Patrick Timpone on a wide variety of subjects on impromptu Open Phones, May 8, 2019

'Open Phone Wednesday – Being In The World but Not Of It – It is a Dance We are All Learning – May 8, 2019' has no comments

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