Dr. William Pawluk – Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy – February 2, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. William Pawluk Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy What is an electromagnetic field? What are PEMFs? If you have ever held two magnets in your hands, tried to force them together, and felt a resistance between them, then you have experienced a magnetic field.The Earth has its own magnetic field,…

Atom Bergstrom – Those Who Dance Are Considered Insane By Those Who Don’t Hear the Music – February 1, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone     Atom Bergstrom Sun Sync Nutrition Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by…

Open Phone Friday – The Real Problem Is It’s What We Know That Just Ain’t So – January 29, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY When Anything Goes… And Usually Does!!! Come play doctor with us! Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience. Call in and participate on Fridays; we’d love to hear from you! Show Highlights: -Creating reality with our state of consciousness -Negative self talk…

Dr. Richard Massey with Meridian Grace – The Way Out Is the Way In; Most of the Programming Happens at Childbirth – January 28, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Richard Massey with Meridian Grace Your Health Questions Answered Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine. Meridian Grace has over 40 years of experience and worked with thousands of clients….

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – The Fallout from Energy Prices Has Just Begun – January 27, 2016

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

Sasha Lessin Ph.D and Janet Lessin – The Anunnaki’s Involvement in Human History – January 26, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Sasha Lessin Ph.D and Janet Lessin The Anunnaki’s Involvement in Human History Sasha Lessin, Ph.D., author of Anunnaki: Gods No More and producer of the hugely popular web site, www.enkispeaks.com, studied with the late Zecharia Sitchin, for many years. Mr. Sitchin asked Dr. Lessin to create popular courses to…

Dave Andrews – Co-Author of THE 30-DAY SOBRIETY SOLUTION: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home – January 26, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dave Andrews Co-Author of THE 30-DAY SOBRIETY SOLUTION How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home It’s not just a problem for alcoholics who’ve hit rock bottom. Drinking takes a toll on the relationships, finances, careers, health, and families of millions of people….

Dr. Jennifer Daniels – What It Takes to Live a Long Life Is Actually Pretty Simple – January 25, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Jennifer Daniels Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians…

Open Phone Friday – Is All This Just An Elaborate Hoax? – January 22, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY When Anything Goes… And Usually Does!!! Come play doctor with us! Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience. Call in and participate on Fridays; we’d love to hear from you! Show Highlights: -Did you catch our interview with Dr. Shanna Swan yesterday?…

Valerie Warwick, RN – Options for Healing Cancer; You Don’t Have to Take Poison to Get Well – January 21, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Valerie Warwick, RN Co-Founder & Primary Consultant of www.mywellnesstutor.com Topic:Options for Healing Cancer; You Don’t Have to Take Poison to Get Well As a young adult caring for both of her ill parents, Valerie realized her natural ability as a nurse, and her interest in the healing arts grew….

Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D. – The Disappearing Male: How Environmental Toxins are Affecting Testosterone Levels, Sperm Counts, Masculinity, Penis Size, Semen Quality, Etc – January 21, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D. Chemicals and Our Health Topic: The Disappearing Male:How environmental toxins are affecting testosterone levels, sperm counts, masculinity, penis size, semen quality, etc Our environment is now largely man-made. There are at least 85,000 chemicals in commerce today. The CDC now measures 148 chemicals in human…

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – Recognize It for What It Is–A Rigged System – January 20, 2016

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Recognize It for What It Is–A Rigged System Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written…

Brandon Amalani – How Schizandra Contributes to Better Health and Longevity – January 19, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Brandon Amalani The Healing Properties of Schizandra In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Schizandra Berry has been used for many health-related conditions including: boosting energy at the cellular level, conditions of the digestive tract, stimulating the immune system, stress, fatigue, exhaustion, irritability, insomnia, radiation protection, regulating blood sugar, counteracting the effects…

Stephen Heuer – How To Eliminate Fatigue By Improving Adrenal and Thyroid Health – January 18, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Stephen Heuer Nutripath and Founder of Synergistic Nutrition Topic: How To Eliminate Fatigue By Improving Adrenal and Thyroid Health Stephen Heuer is the founder of Synergistic Nutrition. In 1990 he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree as a Nutripath, which was a Nutritional Correspondence course, much like the Naturopathic…

Open Phone Friday – With this Life Thing, Isn’t It Really the Quality and Not the Quantity? – January 15, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY When Anything Goes… And Usually Does!!! Come play doctor with us! Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience. Call in and participate on Fridays; we’d love to hear from you! Show Highlights: -A listener writes in with a pretty incredible testimony about…

Eric Hadik – Inside Track Trading and Integrating Biblical and Natural Cycles – January 14, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Eric Hadik Inside Track Trading First introduced to commodity futures in 1979-80, Eric S. Hadik is a trader & analyst who has been intimately involved with the markets for nearly 25 years. His first introduction to technical analysis came through Fibonacci Mathematics and the Elliott Wave Principle and he…

Phil Thomas – The Ideas and Healing Modalities of Edgar Cayce – January 14, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Phil Thomas Author of Beyond Theory: Edgar Cayce’s Natural Health Edgar Cayce is quite possibly America’s best known psychic/sensitive with literally dozens of books, articles, and even TV documentaries produced about him and the trance readings he gave during the first half of the last century. But if Mr….

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – The Bond Bubble Bust: What’s Coming Will Make 2008 Look Like a Cake Walk – January 13, 2016

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY The Bond Bust: What’s Coming Will Make 2008 Look Like a Cake Walk Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United…

Dawn Richardson – Informed Consent: You Can’t Blindly Put Things In Your Body Without Understanding the Risks – January 12, 2016

  Dawn Richardson President of PROVE (Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education) Topic: Vaccine Rights and Education Dawn Richardsonis president of PROVE(Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education), a statewide parent rights advocacy network in Austin, Texas she co-founded in 1997. She was appointed Director of State Advocacy for the National Vaccine Information Center in October 2009. An…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.