Patrick Timpone

Deep State Global Involvement in Every Aspect of Life

When we believe something not true, the soul knows.  Tissues become damaged, the immune system is weakened.

The government is deceptive about everything with money.

It’s being reported that Russian tanks have moved into eastern Ukraine areas that have declared independence.  Ukraine was bombing Donbass region.

CBS News is blaming Ukraine for inflation.  And they call themselves a news organization?

The boys caused the global supply chain problems by running the COVID scam for 2 years.  They want to turn the US into a 3rd world country.

US government says Russia is a dictatorship because they have a state-run media propagating Putin’s propaganda, unlike the US’s free press.

Joe Rogan says anyone that can’t see Biden is cognitively impaired is out of their f…g mind.

State Border Guard Service in Ukraine has imposed a state of emergency.

Germany will not certify Russian liquid natural gas pipeline Nordstrom 2.  The boys want Europe to buy LNG from the US.

Putin is fearful of NATO invasion against Russia.

Listener asks if there is any politician that is really pro-American?

Tulsi Gabbard removed from Council of Foreign Relations membership in June 2019.  Would the boys let her win a US presidential election? 

How much deep state global involvement is behind the Ukraine issue?

UK government urged to take action against people granted “golden visas” who have close links to the Kremlin.

Precise Google Map locations of 90.000 people who donated to Canadian truckers convoy were released online after GiveSendGo hack.

Glenn Greenwald has credible information.

How to do a carbon dioxide bath.  Also use Buteyko breathing method.  Buy body bags from an ozone equipment supplier.

nORB theory video.  Flat Earth vs Globe vs ORB.

Listener asks: Why couldn’t God be a women?

Our Lost History was wiped out 500 years ago by the globalists.

Biden sanctions to remove Russia from the SWIFT system.  Russia is tired of the west kicking its butt.  Russian ambassador appeals to US citizens – can you endure the higher gas prices coming?   

Will 2022 be a real humdinger?

New trucker convoy formed today in Calif. and traveling to D.C.

'Patrick Timpone – Deep State Global Involvement in Every Aspect of Life – February 23, 2002' has no comments

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