Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

Should the government have any role in determining abortion rights?

There is no separation anywhere.  Everything is a spiritual issue.

Need balance between being in the body and our karma and beliefs. 

Disease is the absence of balance.  We are the pain.  Get into it and see what’s there.  The tumor is you.

It’s there to teach us to let go of it and be with God.

Medical model is that you have to kill cancer.  People who don’t follow it have better rates of recovery.

Get quiet, feel the tumor, find out what’s going on.  Explore, without fear.

Someone with liver cancer needs a reason to live.  Liv-er.  Anger is placed in the liver.  Turn it around and have a rage to live.

Why do we spend so much time criticizing other people, even if just in your mind?

Patrick got kicked off Facebook for a spell for sharing a link to a European study about adverse effects of the COVID jab.

What has Patrick learned from his heartburn experience?

We are here to learn that we don’t have to come back again.  The wheel of 84 .

Unprecedented changes on many fronts happening in the world now.

What basis did Obama have for installing Poroshenko as president of Ukraine in 2014?

The expanding role of BRICS countries’ economies.

Media promoting changing our genetics and eliminating disease with future gene therapy.  Ignoring the role of state of consciousness.

Why is Patrick on a carnivore diet now?  Why are oxalates an issue?  Getting more clarity, better sleep on meat, fat, goat’s milk, and salt.

Damage from high carb diet due to the Interaction of insulin and cholesterol.  Meat is innocent.

Don’t just listen to others’ dietary advice.  Be aware of how you feel.

What was Patrick’s path of waking up? 

You have to look and see.

And more

'Patrick Timpone | Disease Is the Absence of Balance | June 24, 2022' has no comments

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