“Colds and flu don’t exist,” says Patrick. “The body detoxes damaged and dead cells along with mucus and heat.”

People keep sending Patrick “cures” for Covid, but there is no Covid. It’s fairy dust. “There is no virus.”

Tom Cowan has new peer-reviewed “acceptable mainstream” evidence to support his Covid thesis. No scientist has ever properly isolated and purified a virus and shown it to cause disease in animals or humans.

The paper [Kidney360 August 2020, 1 (8) 824-828; DOI] is titled “Appearances Can be Deceiving – Viral-like Inclusions in Covid-19 Negative Renal Biopsies by Electron Microscopy.”

Patrick plans to stream Tom Cowan’s webinar where he speaks about this paper at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Savings Time. (He did stream it.)

“Just get over the idea that there is a virus. We don’t catch anything from the outside,” advises Patrick.

What about the CDC and the government? “These people are loony-tunes. You can’t change them. Just pay your taxes, trust in God, and tie up your camel.”

Our state of consciousness controls everything in our reality. What we believe to be true controls whatever we manifest.

“When you hate someone, it’s like hating yourself. Our state of consciousness is the whole deal.”

Patrick reads an article about the “Disinformation Dozen” (Ty & Charlene Bollinger, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joseph Mercola, Sherri Tenpenny, Rizza Islam, Rashid Buttar, Erin Elizabeth, Sayer Ji, Kelly Brogan, Christiane Northrup, Ben Tapper, Kevin Jenkins).

They believe in viruses but are against the jab, and have 59 million social media followers.

Globalists are changing language to change minds. A mother is now a “birthing person.”

Atom writes in, “Doug & Mel already have patents on conception pods to grow babies in your living room.”

Mr. Chambers writes in from Ontario, Canada, and he’s wondering if he should move.

Where are the best states to live in the U.S.? Will one or more of these states split off from Washington D.C.?

Texas Gov. Abbott wants to build a Texas-Mexico border wall.

There are 85 million job vacancies, and Americans don’t want to go back to work. How can this problem be solved?

Is there really a new Covid variant in China? Are China and Russia part of the Davos crowd?

“I’ve been channeling Andy. We were friends for 25 years,” muses Patrick. “The only thing he was wrong about was that he thought crypto would never happen.”

Patrick changed his mind about cryptocurrencies after listening to people like Tom Luongo and Jet Blake.


“The globalists brought blockchain into existence for the purpose of tracking everyone.”

Will Bitcoin survive or will Cardano take over? Educate yourself about cryptocurrency to keep ahead of the curve.

Atom writes in, “50% of apple juice sold in the U.S. comes from China.”

How did George Soros and his Open Society divide the gays and straights? They did the same thing with women’s lib; women against men.

A listener wants to know how to convince their peers on the terrain theory.

Why did Andy Gause call the CPI numbers quoted by the government, “fairy tales”?

Patrick plays a video of people who refuse to take off their masks. A cut from the 1976 film, “Network,” is included.

Aya from San Francisco relates how her family makes her wear a mask around them because she’s not vaccinated.

Rad from British Columbia asks about Elon Musk’s Starlink and “no privacy” issues.

Patrick signs off to stream the Tom Cowan webinar.

'Patrick Timpone – Globalism Has Turned the World Upside Down – June 11, 2021' has no comments

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