Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

Why are animals here?  To feed us?  Recognizing they are souls and acknowledging their contributions.

Getting challenges so we can grow.  During Kali Yuga, forces are created by God to kick our a**. 

Helping others by our example and love, not by telling someone what is wrong with them and giving unasked-for advice.

Patrick’s journey into natural healing started by questioning about how we eat affects how we feel.

The black hole of using things like Zyto, genetic testing, bioresonance machines, and muscle testing to determine health.

Pushup video on ORN home page.  Takes 4 days for body to heal after exercising.  Routine of exercising different muscle groups on separate days.

Letting go of believing age is an impediment to wellness.

Dallas asks: Does what you eat matter in yoga?  Patrick thinks carnivore diet is better than vegan diet for yoga. 

Ellen has intense tinnitus.  Stop thinking the sounds are terrible and get into what your hear.  Don’t think of what you hear as separate from you.

Shifting from vegetable to more meat.  Are we vibrationally eating dead food by eating meat?  That’s vegan/vegetarian propaganda.

Where does Patrick buy his meat?  Ted Slanker’s Grass Fed Meat, in the ORN store under Food and SuperFood.  Buffalo, lamb, goat, chicken, beef, pork.

Listener recommends a good yogurt:  Nancy’s Probiotic Yogurt, full-fat, available at Sprouts.

Caller Mark talks with Patrick about diet changes, gender ID, Georgia Guidestones, Alex Jones, Antarctica, flat earth, and aliens.

UN emblem show a flat earth.

Scott wonders if the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones was an inside job.  They cleaned up the debris the next day.

John said he’s changing from vegetarian to a carnivore.  Asks what Patrick eats.  Meat, butter, eggs, fat, bone broth, raw goat’s milk, blueberries.  Eats when he’s hungry.  Stops when he’s full.

NASA budget is $26 billion.  For what?  What have they done that has benefited the US and advanced civilization?

OMAD – One Meal A Day.  Does the body good to rest from eating and digesting.

Patrick One

Part Two

'Patrick Timpone | We Grow by Overcoming Obstacles – It is Just the way it is | August 19, 2022' has no comments

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