Patrick Timpone

Mind, Body, Soul

“It takes a long time to get young”


The information Patrick shares in this series is not gleaned from a book or oral teachings.  During the past ten years Patrick had to learn how to see his health challenges from the perspective Soul, above the mind.  And from this perspective all becomes clear how aging and disease operates

We either lead or be led

Media is programming humans to believe what the elite want us to believe

Is this a trial run for even more diabolical attempts at control in the future

When we don’t do what we want and believe at a deep level we are loosing spiritual awareness

Many in the natural healing arena may unknowing doing the same programming of beliefs promoting foods we should or shouldn’t eat

When government gives us things, they come with conditions

Many conjecture flying commercially will require adult vaccines in the future

Some emails from the show:

The opposite of faith is fear. The powers that be want us in fear to keep us separate from God and dependent on them.

James in Fremont, Nebraska

Bob Dylani can quit being addicted to my phone any time I like.
you can’t be dependent on any government benefits of you want to avoid the adult vaccines
we are creator, knowing this, we are responsible of are life…what we create. Are believe system as you said Patrick manipulated by those elites who use us to create there agenda.

Patrick Timpone on the ongoing programming of the Sou’s mind and body, November 14, 2019

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