Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Politicians relaxing the plandemic restrictions.  Is it because they can’t take the heat?

What about Joe Rogan?  The power of being curious.

Can you imagine mainstream news announcing they’ve never isolated the virus?  The master appears when the student is ready.

The more we’re open to all the truth there is, the more we get.

Watch Tucker Carlson’s piece on Joe Rogan on ORN homepage.

History they don’t tell you about.  Ancient mud floods?  Ancient electrical sources?

What is eating God?

Why is Patrick gaining more muscle on less food?  Does intermittent fasting increase stem cells?

Thinking about new information in order to incorporate it.  Is this the new medicine?

If we bail on this crazy world, are we unconsciously committing suicide?

Why does Patrick recommend cold showers?

Do thoughts as we believe exist?

Protests around the world against the government vax mandates.

If you want anything badly enough, you can do it.

They want us to think we don’t have control and can’t make choices.

How to change the past? 

Don’t go back into that state of consciousness.  Do Ho’oponopono.  Write letters.

Why does Patrick espouse the benefits of hanging (brachiation)?

Spotify throws Rogan under the bus, but then claims they’re a free speech platform.

Is the Canadian Truckers Convoy a trap?

What is nixtamalization and why is it good?

Email Patrick for links on the Lost History.

Is Bitcoin a better option than fiat money?  Some foreign leaders agree.

Why is John McAfee’s body still in the prison morgue freezer?

Don’t be for or against anything.

'Patrick Timpone – If We Bail On this Crazy World, Are We Unconsciously Committing Suicide? – February 4, 2022' has no comments

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