Patrick Timpone

Patrick discusses Love, Sex and Marriage; Artificial Intelligence (or the lack of it); and Mind Control.

Patrick reads some of the memes he recently posted on Facebook. He doesn’t hang around there much anymore, being put in “Facebook jail” too many times to depend on it for free speech. Just write “vaccine” there and see for yourself.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is not intelligent.

What is critical thinking? What actually is intelligence?

Computers are based on “on” and “off,” and the brain is just a computer, and, “The mind is a relational database. Is the mind running your life?” Zuckerberg and Elon Musk would like you to believe so.

“These people don’t care about humans. They don’t care about you,” says Patrick.

The soul is not your mind.

“These Millennial technocrats don’t understand anything about human nature. All they know is programming, algorithms, and censorship of whatever they do not agree with,” according to Patrick.

Patrick approves of one thing Elon Musk is doing — Starlink, Musk’s “satellite internet constellation.”


A listener comments about a Masonic hand gesture he thought he saw on a recent One Radio Network show.

A listener wants to know how the Indians died from the smallpox on the blankets they were given.

Patrick reads an e-mail from a listener who is critical of his wanting to marry a younger woman and have babies with her. He discusses her criticism at length and challenges her assumptions.

If Patrick were only interested in sex, there are plenty of women in numerous Austin clubs who would be happy to accommodate him, but he’s interested in being a husband and a father.

Patrick grew up with seven children,so he’s very familiar with family. “Do you know how many diapers I changed?” he asks. “I changed a lot of diapers!”

“Age is just a number. According to Yogis, you are as young as your spine,” says Patrick. He has been doing intense Yoga and stretching for the past two months, and is feeling very “fit and raring to go.”

Atom writes in, “There is a tribe in Tanzania where no one knows how old they are.”

Carol writes in, “Children of older sperm have wisdom of older parents.”

Theresa writes in, “Love you and love listening to you. Don’t let e-mails get under your skin.”

“Spirit always makes our life better,” affirms Patrick. He gives an example of a thyroid medication he ordered from Mexico that didn’t arrive because he really didn’t need it.

Atom writes in, “Spirit looked out for my grandfather. He missed the boat — the Titanic.”

A listener asks about nebulizing with hydrogen peroxide.

A listener asks about alternatives to Cobalamin Tonic (coffee, cacao, and maple syrup).

Atom sends in two alternatives — (1) tamarind paste, carob powder, and maple syrup, and (2) ume plum.

Patrick on Love, Sex, Marriage, aging is a scam and other fun things, April 9, 2021 ONE

Patrick on Love, Sex, Marriage, aging is a scam and other fun things, April 9, 2021 TWO

'Patrick Timpone – Love, Sex, Marriage, Mind Control, A.I., and More – April 9, 2021' has no comments

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