Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

Will the US hold together?  They can’t stop a breakup.  The only power an Executive Order has is over Washington, DC.

BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) strengthening.  Europe, UK  and US are falling apart.

Three more laurels for Patrick’s screen writing.  Patrick attributes his success to the desire to do it and the willingness to learn.  And the angels’ help.  Started 20 years ago with a screen writing class.

Spiritual exercise:  Contemplate if there’s something you’d like to do.  Then learn how to do it.  Focus on being successful.

Don’t buy into the thought that you can’t do it.  Give it 110% and spirit will do the rest.

Nothing can stop us from having what we want and experiencing what we want.

It’s not what they want.  Don’t give them dominion and get sucked into their reality.

Instead of working on fixing the broken ones, create something.

Sale today through 7/5:  18% off all Shen Blossom products.  Use oneradio code.

Sale today through 7/5:   18% off BlueShield.  Use oneradio code.

Praying for rain is good but it’s not doing what we think it’s doing.  We are all one; there are no entities separate from us that give us things.  Pray with a knowingness that it will be fulfilled.  Know we are of God, we are spiritual beings, and when we want something that’s good for everybody, that wish will be fulfilled if we believe.  It’s belief in that process, the knowingness, and not subservience. 

Let go of guilt.  It’s a control mechanism.

Bridgette calls and they chat about Einkorn bagels, carnivory, oxalates, sleep, and her home in Florida.

See for studies on molecular hydrogen.

Recording of John F. Kennedy reading The Declaration of Independence.

We’ve come so far and lost it all.

Find a spiritual master and never be the same.  Sit quietly, have the desire and thought process, sing HU – a love song to God, and they will appear. 

Visualization – holding the image of the wished for field.  Imagining what it looks like, and believing spirit will help you fulfill what you want.

Listener asks: If oxalates come out in the pee, would drinking your pee mean you’re getting oxalates from it?

How much oxalate comes out in your sweat when you’re In the sauna?  Tell your body to get rid of oxalates in an orderly fashion and not dump them.

What impact do the engrams, fear, and stress stored in your body have on oxalate toxicity?

The second amendment was there so we could protect ourselves from the government.

Supreme Court overruled New York’s gun law.  God Bless Trump for putting conservative judges on the Supreme Court.

How many states will dissent if federal Red Flag laws successfully pass in Congress?

Get off sugar for a month, then have some.  How will you feel?

'Patrick Timpone | Nothing Can Stop Us from Having What We Want | July 1, 2022' has no comments

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