Patrick Timpone


November 26, 2018


” It Takes a Long Time To Get Young”


“With all the environmental challenges facing us today, it simply makes sense that we are adapting, detoxing and genetically protecting ourselves from

chem trails – chemicals in the food and water – EMF’s …other wise we would all be sick and dying….”


Forty years ago, October, 1978 Patrick was shaving and suddenly woke up from a walking sleep.  The only words that come forth at that moment was, “What am I doing?” He looked in the mirror and continued to ask this question
for what seemed like a half hour or so.

This was the event that catapulted him into becoming aware that what we eat may affect our health.  Believe it or not, in 1978 this wasn’t a well known concept as it is today.  This evening was the beginning of his spiritual journey and great interest in his responsibility for attending to his body’s health and longevity.

We’ll talk about the many factors in how the body get’s out of balance.  How the physical components mix with the spiritual to cause and cure disease.  You will also get insights to why so many continue to have a challenge shaking off “diseases” even with the wealth of knowledge we have at our disposal.

It is part of human nature to look outside of ourselves for a “healer,”  magic pill or potion for a cure.  Patrick believes all these created issues in the body is critical to spiritual growth, and simply wake up calls.  A call to action.

Moving into the uncomfortable situation or pain oftentimes is the surest way out of the discomfort

As we change ourselves, this is the essence of spiritual growth.

Body work of all varieties is often overlooked, but can be a quite useful tool to look and see stagnant energy wanting to release

Going within, looking and seeing from a purely objective viewpoint is often an efficient and effective way to see the cause and then the cure of many ailments


Patrick Timpone offering up some simple ideas on the creation and dissolving imbalances in these bodies of ours, November 26, 2018

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