Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

Dogs have the unconditional love thing going full on.

What does unconditional love truly feels like?

When it comes to finding true love, when you build it they will come works best.

How much of the Matrix does it benefit us to understand and be aware of?

All traumas and programming from the womb onward can be dissolved

Many science types focus on the brain, yet our opinion this is just the symptom of the mind and Soul

the body changes in direct proportion to what we think and we can age like fine wine, not get “younger” as advertised

How long can we keep these bodies operating at top level?

Hear a five year old kid tell his Mom that he can do what ever he wants to do

Many Souls coming in now are quite evolved.

In many cases we choose our parents

Our dream life is a personal experience that only you and I can analyze


I am a young man with skinny fingers and feet, even though I workout in the gym

Hey Patrick, you are one of kind, even the fact that you remember me says a lot about your character and also that you have been through some health to truly understand. Thank you. When I get some each money I’ll give you call for a consult.

Patrick replies that you do not need money for a coaching session.  Donation, if you have it.. only

Hey Patrick, you are one of kind, even the fact that you remember me says a lot about your character and also that you have been through some health to truly understand. Thank you. When I get some each money I’ll give you call for a consult.

Patrick,  What is your opinion of Jesus?

PT one

pt two

'Patrick Timpone | The Longer We Stay Here the Better Our Chances of Not Having to Come Back to Physical Reality | March 17, 2023' has no comments

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