Patrick Timpone

The More We Let Our Fears Go, the More the Light Shines Through

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We create diseases so we can overcome them.

We have to figure out past experiences and we do that by going through “stuff”.  Figure out how the game is played and then grow spiritually.

Go inside, see how you can change, and then your reality changes.

When the forces feel they’re losing control, they take the velvet glove off the fist.

The more they talk about it like it’s real (e.g. Covid and now Omicron), the more it is real.  Don’t repeat these things to others, you’re only helping to cement the realness.

Is everything you believed to be true just the opposite?

We already have the light.  The more we let fears go, the more the light shines through.

If you’re always thinking about the future, you’re not in the present and thinking about the now.  Futurizing is hard on the body.

Patrick recommends looking at

The matrix is ramping up the danger of Omicron Covid variant.

The brain is not who we are.  It is a higher vibration entity.  The mind is other than physical, it is on the mental plane.  We are integrated with the mind in physical reality to talk and move.  The mind is just software.  If we’re not thinking critically, the mind runs the show.  Soul is in the background.  You don’t have to reprogram the mind, but after you take control of the mind and think critically and know spirit is talking to you, all thoughts, images, and feelings not in your interest will go away because of lack of attention.  Then you’re okay all the time and you’re hanging out with God.

Nothing is stopping you from learning exactly what you want to do.

Will Patrick be a movie producer some day?

The Flute of God , by Paul Twitchell, is the best book ever written, according to Patrick.  Be careful about telling dreams and desires to people, who will plant doubts in your mind.

Carol recommends several Andreas Seed Oils.

Universal basic income and soylent green are part of the Great Reset.  How many people will participate?  You’ll never get out of it. 

Listener asks if Santos could be itchy because of irritation with those that don’t believe him.

We are all one.  When we love them, we’re loving ourselves.  Will having compassion for those who are vaxxed improve your life?

Patrick loves the Air Doctor technology.  Fun to have things that work.

What is at the edge of the 300 mile ice wall at the edge of Antartica?  Why won’t they let you access it via air, sea, or land?

Not feeling alone because of having the power of God with you.

Anti-heart attack drug added to vaccines for children, but Faceplant labels it as misinformation.  They will start deleting accounts that disagree with the government storyline.

'Patrick Timpone – The More We Let Our Fears Go, the More the Light Shines Through – November 30, 2021' has no comments

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