Patrick Timpone

“They” are Losing Control On Every Front Which Could Make It More Challenging for a Minute

You can download various forms for vaccine exemptions here:

Blank Covid Vaccine Card : How to Download and Complete

(Use at your own Risk –  these cards as people are getting heavy fines…. by Canadian officials  who caught an American couple entering Canada)

The entire narrative is falling apart from the Delta Variant, to the idea that it is more dangerous, n evidence anyone is dying from this alleged variant.

This past week the CDC and FDA said the PCR tests were not going to be used any longer because they couldn’t distinguish the COVID thing from influenza viruses.  Lame.

Carol called and we had a fun conversation about:  Using sound do identify and heal a virus and also lots of chat with Carol, who is along time rolfer and body worker.  We talked about the subconscious loose particles that are stored in the body are on the etheric plane, and stored in the etheric body and can be worked out in the physical.  As above, so below.

There are areas in the body, shoulders neck hips especially, that have been kind of jammed up for years because subconsciously we have the thought, “Oh, this is too big…to deep, I can never get to it.  But, we can, if we try.

Patrick says he does not believe the docs that are saying that these jabs are permanent and the toxins will never come out.  His experience is that nothing is permanent except God, and anything we put in the body will come out.

There’s absolutely no question rising prices, also called inflation, is in our future.  Every metric we study with an understanding Andrew Gause taught us, it is baked in the cake… and it could be massive.   The biggest inflationary cycle in the history of the Country.

Emails and questions from our listeners:

Is it true that eating a vegan or a whole foods plant based diet lowers the buildup of plaquing in the arteries, called atherosclerosis, and can this diet also reverse the buildup of these plaques? You distinguish structured water and water which has been treated with the H2 machine. So I suppose you are using your own well water which you then structure. My questions are:
1.) What do you use to structure it?
2.) What does the structuring do compared to what the bubbling does? (Maybe there is a past episode you can reference to save you some effort).
3.) Also, there was a person or a product you mentioned several times in other episodes selling filters to clean tap and shower water. Can you lead me to him, the product?
Hi Patrick, I’m taking a type of Rick Simpson hemp oil. Remember him?  It has the whole plant that feels balancing,

My Niece had the First 'jab' last month, and she doesn't stop crying as her body is already showing signs of 'disturbances' ...
She reached out to me, only in writings, because she had not read any of the mails I had sent her ,on the subject ...
Everybody around her, and at work, were putting lots of pressure for her to go,and 'get it' ! 
Only her mate, and now my nephew, and me of course, are not 'doing it' !!
She also has cancer, so she panicked and did it. Her mom, my sister, died of cancer at the age of 51..

Many thanks for having introduced me to sulfur. I don't remember having  dreamed in color before, though there might have been some occurrences. I like the idea that it is flushing heavy metals, radioactives, toxins  out of my body. Also appreciate that it is bringing me more oxygen. And that it is doing something for the EZ water. I am in general remembering more of my dreams. It also helps that I have gotten off cannabis (after~35 years of following the same addiction cycle) and coffee. Here again I must thank you for having introduced me to Jason Christoff where 
after having made an increasingly long list and index of the negatives associated with coffee from many of his articles, videos and audios, I kicked it out of my life! It hasn't been long, but I feel committed--anyways there is so much to do and work on and I need my full focus!

I’m writing to you to find out if there are any remidiations/cures for ridding one’s self of these, “protein spikes”? My internet sources say that it’s these protein spikes (which are purportedly in the vaccines) that are causing the brain and heart inflammations, and the sterilizations that are occurring.

Input from Atom Bergstrom

High fructose corn syrup is NOT fructose! Not even close! Fructose causes NO insulin response or inflammation — that’s why tupelo honey is safe for diabetics. And, of course, Medical Nemesis demonizes fructose.

I missed Dr Daniels and will listen on the archives..Still I’d like to ask:What does she say about shedding by folks who took the jab? Any recommendations?

I just started listening to you about a month ago and wanted to say you do a wonderful job of providing great insight and information. I find listening to your show gives me valuable information and hope in the future. Thank you Kent

'Patrick Timpone – “They” are Losing Control On Every Front Which Could Make It More Challenging for a Minute – July 30, 2021' has no comments

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