Patrick Timpone

Patrick plays a video of the alleged President Biden giving Americans an ultimatum: “Get vaccinated or wear a mask.”

Patrick hasn’t used the F-word for 20 years, but this administration is totally out of control.

“There’s no virus that has ever been shown to exist.” But most people believe otherwise.

“There’s no way you can watch TV and not believe in Covid. it’s just not possible.”

“Some Orwellian dude with dementia posing as president is telling us to get vaccinated or wear a mask,” says Patrick.

The government has no authority over you. “Don’t call it a vaccine. It’s a medical experiment.”

It’s all part of Agenda 21/Agenda 2030. “They told us what they’re going to do. They want to kill people.”

“Show me the virus. There’s nothing out there that can ‘get’ you.”

Thomas Cowan and Andrew Kaufman will be streaming again live at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, May 15, 2021.

Patrick won’t have Judy Mikovits or Del Bigtree on the show because of the fear porn.

A listener writes in about the Ohio governor announcing a $5 million lottery for vaccinated residents.

The globalists are doing everything they can to divide us. “United we stand, divided we fall.”

The U.S. is experiencing the biggest labor shortage ever. People don’t want to work when they’re being paid by the government. There’s no incentive to get off the dole.

Biden is on a $6 trillion spending spree, running the country into debt. The government keeps giving people money to stay home.

Patrick plays a video of Senator Rand Paul interrogating Dr. Fauci about Covid being manufactured at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Atom writes in, “Rand Paul fear porn. If that’s the best Fauci and the Chinese can do with a super-virus, we have NOTHING to fear from the Chinese!”

Sean phones in to provide some details about his upcoming cross-country trip. Patrick and Sean talk about the use of the F-bomb. They also discuss gold and silver versus the dollar, and other investment-related subjects.

“Remember, the world out there is not who you are. It only is if you think it is,” affirms Patrick.

“The world out there is not my world unless I choose it.”

Patrick’s weekly show one on one from germs to politics and lots in between, May 14, 2021 ONE

Patrick’s weekly show one on one from germs to politics and lots in between, May 14, 2021 TWO

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