Patrick Timpone

Many are arguing that all this increasing amount of “stress” we humans are dealing with…and will have to deal with in the future is bad, otherwise we’ll perish.  Patrick believes just the opposite, that we create the stress to grow spiritually and thus physically.  It’s how it works.

Do we use stress to grow spiritually and physically?

The Texas mask mandate was officially ended on March 10, but many people are still wearing them.

Patrick was one of the few people not wearing a mask at HEB and the farmers’ market.

He hugged and kissed a woman on the cheek at HEB. They acknowledged their humanity and freedom from masks.

What did Del Bigtree prove about masks by “getting geeky” with statistics?

Do masks work or are they counterproductive?

What is the nature of viruses? How do they relate to detoxing?

Could we exist without viruses? Are they here to hurt us or to help us? Thomas Cowan and Andrew Kaufman will weigh in on the subject next week on One Radio Network.

Patrick discusses the virtues of orange juice and his personal experience on Thursday. Atom e-mailed him yesterday, “Without exaggeration, oranges are the reason I’m still alive. I had one foot in the grave and the other on a grease spot 5 year ago!”

How do vaccines interfere with natural immunity?

What are exosomes? What does Zach Bush say about viruses versus the microbiome?

Can 5G hurt you if you don’t buy into it? Is it going too far to buy anti-EMF radiation-shielding underwear?

What about the Texas mayors and police chiefs who are still threatening to arrest people for not wearing masks inside stores? Is “criminal trespass” legal?

What is best for hypothyroid? Patrick recommends Ray Peat and Atom’s work.

What can be done for a 50-year-old man with low energy and a low sex drive?

A U.P.S. driver expresses heartfelt appreciation for Patrick’s work.

A listener applauds attorney Greg Glaser’s approach to the natural immunity of the unvaccinated versus vaccinated. (Listen to Patrick’s interview with this health freedom advocate lawyer on March 9, 2021.)

A listener thanks Patrick for streaming the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. video.

Another listener asks about her husband who works in a nursing home under pressure to be vaccinated. What can be done?

Gwen sings the praises of sulfur. It improved her mood and “sharpened her mind.”

Someone writes in about the “inverted health information” about omega 3 fatty acids.

Sandy phones in from sunny San Jose, California. She’s been following Barbara Frank’s protocol, including ginger and turmeric.


Patrick and Sandy discuss parasites and mold. Are all parasites “bad”?

What is the nature of dreams? How do they influence our physical reality?

Patrick describes last night’s dream. Barbra Streisand threatened to move out of the country because she was a Trump hater.
“Every time we hate, we create karma.”

“Good artists borrow. Great artists steal,” quotes Patrick.

Atom writes in, “Stealing from one person is plagiarism. Stealing from many people is research.”

Are mitochondria ancient parasites that we incorporated into out bodies to protect us from oxygen with hydrogen?

What did Samuel Hahnemann say about terrain and parasites over 200 years ago?

What doesn’t kills us, definitely makes us stronger and more spiritually evolved, March 12, 2021, ONE

What doesn’t kills us, definitely makes us stronger and more spiritually evolved, March 12, 2021, ONE

'Patrick Timpone -Using Stress and Uncomfortable Situations to Grow Physically and Spiritually – March 12, 2021' has no comments

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