Patrick Timpone

We Are the Only Ones Standing In Our Way of Fulfilling Our Wildest Dreams

Going within and thinking clearly about what one wants and how to get there is critical for success.

Regardless of one’s chronological age is it is possible to learn to do anything that you want to do…. anything

It takes about ten years total to get to be really good at some new venture.

Patrick felt that he needed to add a little carbohydrate to maintain his weight and grow muscle.

He’s choosing organic white Jasmine Rice about three TBS per day a few times a week.

As we change our state of consciousness our nutritional needs change and the foods we need or don’t need changes.

There have always been forces in the lower worlds trying to kick our booty which makes us stronger.

As the matrix gets more weird the good stuff continues to   rise in proportion to the “bad.”

Wars have always been banker’s wars. It’s about governments wanting other people’s stuff.

The Davos, NATO, Neocons of the U.S. want to take Russia over and get all their stuff: Oil, Gas, gold, minerals etc.

“Tension” in all it’s flavors is the chief cause of diseases.

'Patrick Timpone | We Are the Only Ones Standing In Our Way of Fulfilling Our Wildest Dreams | January 4, 2023' has no comments

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